MAP Growth data is shaping South Carolina education policy during COVID-19

South Carolina has its share of challenges. Poverty is pervasive, and the statetends to rank lowin educational achievement relative to other states. On the positive side, elected officials and education leaders in the Palmetto State recognize the value of assessment—even during a tough period when it might be easier to waive or postpone it.

我们看到了2020年6月南卡罗来纳州通过142号法案时对评估的承诺,该法案呼吁学校在2020-21学年的前两周以及2020年底之前测试所有K – 8学生。publication of NWEA’s research brief,“The COVID-19 slide: What summer learning loss can tell us about the potential impact of school closures on student academic achievement.”In December, the NWEA research team followed up on these projections with有关学生表现的数据drawn from 4.4 million students from more than 8,000 schools who tookraybet二维码assessments.

Using this national research as a starting point, NWEA built on its strong partnership with education leaders in South Carolina to produce acustomized report for the state. I sat down via Zoom with a few of the key players behind this report to talk about how the study came about, lessons learned, and how the study is informing next steps in the state.

Matthew Ferguson is the executive director of theEducation Oversight Committee(EOC),南卡罗来纳州的教育监管机构。在加入EOC之前,Matthew在南卡罗来纳州的一个学区工作,包括学区和学校级管理,课程教学和人事管理。Dana Yow是EOC的副主任,在过去15年中的大部分时间里一直在该机构任职。达娜(Dana)处理EOC以及该机构的整体运营的通信。格雷格·金(Greg King)是NWEA的研究科学家。通过直接与各州和地区合作,Greg能够利用特定的人口统计数据来弄清学生在与COVID相关的学校关闭等重大事件之后的表现以及远程学习的枢纽。我与他们的对话已被编辑,以进行长度和清晰度。


马修:NWEA has been well-known in South Carolina for years and is currently in 62 of our 82 districts. In fact, I worked directly with NWEA when I worked at the district level, using NWEA data to coach teachers to make better-informed decisions. People in our state know NWEA and trust their test results. When NWEA released its projections of the COVID slide last spring, it spurred many education leaders to consider increased and innovative efforts to reach students. South Carolina policymakers were intent on measuring and reporting the actual impacts of school closures on student learning. We knew that once our kids were back in school, we would need NWEA’s help in digging into our state data.


马修:国家预测为我们提供了宝贵的信息,但是我们需要我们自己的数据,因此我们可以尝试预测学生在年终评估中的表现。raybet 好用吗此外,我们特别关注我们州的小型农村地区,这些地区与高速互联网与我们的城市地区没有相同的访问权限。我们想知道:那些学生的学习损失比城市同行差吗?由于对计算机的依赖,我们的贫困学生的学生是否受到远程学习的影响?

What was the main finding of your report?


Dana:It makes sense that our state-level data on learning loss in math would mirror what NWEA found in its national report. When you think about the foundational practices that are used in a math classroom, so much of it depends on direct instruction. So if students are losing that, then it makes sense that the declines would be more pronounced.

What did you learn about how those underrepresented students from rural districts are doing?




Dana:Our study also included interviews with leaders and educators in 15 districts, so that we could include the perspectives and lessons learned of those who have faced so many challenges this year. We’ve also surveyed parents.

马修:Districts had an incentive to take part in these interviews because we let them know that in addition to the statewide data the report would offer, NWEA would break down the data for those specific districts. So we were able to provide these districts with their own reports.

Has this report led to any specific actions in South Carolina?

马修:One of the outcomes so far is that the report has prompted our state’s Department of Education to require a mitigation plan for our students. The districts are going to be asked to look at their student data to identify strengths and weaknesses, and then to plan for instructional interventions to help make up for COVID-related learning loss.


I understand that other states have commissioned similar reports. Given that NWEA’s national report was so comprehensive and that all states are facing similar challenges, what motivates states to produce their own studies?


What can other states learn from your experience in South Carolina?



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