How school leaders can triangulate MAP data for students who might have dyslexia

Imagine this: It’s the start of another school year and, as the new principal at an elementary school, you are keeping up on the new dyslexia law in your Midwestern state. Legislation is sweeping the nation for early identification of students who might have dyslexia, so you know you’re not the only school leader working to understand laws affecting your school.

现在,在学年的前90天内,所有幼儿园至三年级的学生都要求读取阅读障碍筛查。经过一些调查,您意识到Map®ReadingFlumenty™阅读障碍筛选器符合标准,而且 - 好消息! - 您的学校已经在使用地图阅读流利度来评估小学生的基础技能和口头阅读流利度。

在阅读障碍筛查的第一年,筛选所有K -3学生的筛查不应花费太长时间,因为地图阅读流利度使您的老师可以一次性地评估整个课程。过去,早期的识字测试已经花费了数周的时间,因为老师和替代者一次测试学生。您很感激这一机会立即做出围绕学生支持的决策。从一年开始,从您的老师给您的老师留下深刻印象总是一场胜利!

Understanding dyslexia


Not all students who are striving readers have dyslexia.

There are manymyths surrounding dyslexia。You have learned that dyslexia isnot与视觉处理有关,例如向后看字母和单词,并且研究支持根本原因在于单词中单个声音的处理(也称为音素意识) and relating and sequencing those sounds to letters in words. As a former fifth-grade teacher, you are not all that familiar with how students learn to read or how to support the early literacy foundational skills of students identified as possibly having dyslexia. But youdo知道增加支持强度至关重要。

Some more good news is that you know your kindergarten and first-grade teachers are very knowledgeable about early literacy instruction. You can lean on them for additional information (in between preparing for the first fire drill of the year and mastering your knowledge of the school improvement plan).

参加员工之后professional learning sessions for MAP Reading Fluency,您知道哪些报告显示出表现出色的学生的百分比表明了阅读障碍或其他阅读困难的可能风险因素。您决定利用异常安静的午餐时间来查看学校的分数。


地图读取流利术语摘要报告provides an easy-to-read visual of the proportion of students flagged by the dyslexia screener by grade. There is also a purple flag in the个人学生报告和一个清单筛选器结果报告在所有成绩或班级的学生中,他们被确定为可能患有阅读障碍的风险。

地图读取流利性使用了一种心理支持的预测模型,该模型考虑了多种措施,以确定应在阅读障碍筛查者中标记哪些学生。如果学生的表现表明他们将在一般阅读措施中处于20%或更低(按照测试raybet二维码,例如)在春天。与1 - 3年级的学生相比,您对多少个幼儿园学生感到惊讶:大约有20%的幼儿园,11%的一年级学生,12%的二年级学生和8%的三年级学生收到了紫色的旗帜。

筛选所有K -3学生的筛查不应太长时间了,因为地图阅读流利度使您的老师只需一个课程即可一次评估整个课程。

As you look further down the Term Summary report, you notice that almost 40% of your kindergarteners are not meeting grade-level expectations for foundational skills. This is surprising to you, but you also know your school has a high rate of transience. Intensified instruction is often interrupted when students move to a different school, and it is hard to gain traction when students enroll mid-year. You have heard from kindergarten teachers that more incoming kindergartners than ever have not attended preschool and don’t have the typical reading readiness skills.

您将移至筛选器结果报告查看用户规范(i.e., percentiles) in each of the three foundational skills domains: phonological awareness, phonics/word recognition, and language comprehension. By quickly ordering assessment results for each of these domains, you notice that the flagged students often fall in a lower percentile in at least one of the domains. You decide that after discussing these results with each grade-level team, you will use this information to help make some programmatic decisions for student support. Due to the limited financial and human resources available to you, you anticipate needing to triangulate some data to guide your decision-making.

Adding in MAP Growth data

您想了解读取流利数据的地图以及学生的地图增长结果。您决定首先查看Student Growth Summary report

You start with the kindergarten data because of the proportion of students flagged by MAP Reading Fluency for being at possible risk of dyslexia. Because these little ones have not taken MAP Growth before, you will not have any growth data to analyze, but you will be able to look at their achievement percentiles.


Teacher input and formative assessment data will be vital to gain a fuller understanding of student needs.


Using both data sources to determine next steps

在整个夏天的专业学习会议之后,与您联系在一起的一件事是,并非所有正在努力读者的学生都患有阅读障碍。当您更多地考虑两次评估之间的重叠时,您会记住这一点。raybet 好用吗知道您将无法为所有学生增加2级学生的支持强度做过receive the purple flag, you are beginning to form a strategy to prioritize the resources you have while still supporting all students in some way.

您认为的另一个因素是阅读障碍筛选器供应rapid automized naming (RAN) results。Although this data is not part of the algorithm for flagging, you can still export it and consider the students who took longer to complete the measure than others. By ordering the data from high to low, starting with the students who take longer to name objects, you can triangulate this data along with MAP Growth achievement data to better understand your students and prioritize the resources available to you.

Of course, teacher input and formative assessment data will be vital to gain a fuller understanding of student needs.


The first year as principal at a school is never easy. Right now, your priority is working with your primary grade team to review the MAP Reading Fluency dyslexia screener results and layer that information with MAP Growth data. That will help you feel confident that your school is following the newly enacted law and doing right by all your kids.



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For policymakers

在Covid-19期间,有很多决策者可以为学校提供支持。我们与专家Evan Stone和Latanya Pattillo讨论了SY21-22期间的重点。

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