
Miah Daughtery是NWEA内容倡导和设计的扫盲总监,在那里她花了很多时间弄清楚如何让孩子对阅读和写作更加兴奋。她本人是一个狂热而终生的读者,她每年经常阅读50多本书,以便在各种主题上阅读,因此她在鸡尾酒会上很危险。在加入NWEA之前,她曾是一名课堂阅读和英语老师,已有近10年的历史,是田纳西州教育部的州扫盲协调员,成就素养主任的州扫盲协调员,以及Odell专业学习的执行董事教育。She earned her BA in English at the University of Michigan, her MEd in reading at Wayne State University, and her EdD in public policy and educational administration from Vanderbilt’s Peabody School of Education in 2016. She believes literacy is an ethical and social justice issue, and she prides herself on finding books for reluctant readers. When she’s not working, you can find Dr. Daughtery thinking and talking about literacy in her kitchen baking cookies, in a yoga class, or in the airport catching a flight to a place with a beach.