

我花了K -2教学职业的前13年,进行学术考试,以获得特殊教育服务的资格,然后为学生编写资格确定文书工作和IEP。自从我写了一个计划以来已经将近九年了(我在第三个孩子出生后几年就离开了劳动力),但是曾经是老师,总是老师。自从离开教室以来,我自愿担任家庭的倡导者,因为他们在他们的学校中浏览了评估和IEP过程。

在过去的十年中,发生了很多变化。现在许多州需要dyslexia screeningof young students, for example, which leads to earlier identification and earlier access to services. But one thing has stayed the same: a well-written IEP that is read and understood by all members of a learning team is imperative to student success.

Spring is IEP season, and as you begin the work of updating IEP goals and amending plans for transitions from one grade to the next, it will be important to pay close attention to how pandemic and post-pandemic learning needs impacted children with special needs. COVID-19 changed everything, including how students with disabilities access instruction and make progress on their IEP goals. Here are some things to consider as we learn and grow after this unprecedented time.

Step 1: Define the learning team



  • 学生:学生是任何学习团队中最重要的成员!在整个过程中,包括会议在内的学生参与将确保他们在教育中发表声音。我有九岁时的孩子参加他们的IEP会议,尽管没有必要在学生感兴趣的情况下,请确保将他们包括在内。随着学生的年龄,他们应该在会议上承担更多责任。一定要问他们问题,并给他们足够的时间发言。他们将拥有有关实现目标所需的最有价值,最新的信息,尤其是当他们从班级到老师到老师时。
  • 家庭:A student’s at-home support system is invaluable. Be mindful of relationships because not all parents live in the same household and some kids may be cared for by a grandparent, adult sibling, or other guardian. Be sure to include everyone and be prepared to make duplicate copies of correspondence so family can stay informed. Be proactive and find out if a translator is needed (request them ahead of time if there’s a need). Sometimes, parents have family or others they trust for translating and they should be invited as well. But ensure the school also provides a translator who is well versed in the type of information being presented so the family does not miss anything important. Finally, someone on the school team should take the role of advocating for families to ensure they understand everything that is being discussed.
  • Teachers:虽然学生的课堂老师和特殊教育老师通常是IEP会议上唯一的教师,但所有与学生一起工作的老师都应该熟悉IEP。教学课程的教师和教师教授可能只有在住宿中覆盖的课程的老师应该可以访问IEP,彻底阅读它,并提出问题是否不清楚。IEP经理应确保所有在实施IEP目标或住宿中发挥作用的老师都清楚他们需要做什么来支持学生。
  • 专家:语言语言病理学家,职业治疗师,学校心理学家,社会工作者,物理治疗师,学校护士,工作过渡专家,指导顾问,教育专家以及与学生合作或负责协调文书工作的任何其他教育专业人员必须参与学习团队。任何正在传达有关学生的信息的专业人员都以积极的事实方式介绍信息的专业人员。注意任何行话,并确保学生,他们的家人和其他老师了解所说的话。展示微妙的信息时,可以躲在行话后面很容易。请注意这一点,并确保家人了解所提供的信息。


When discussing the IEP, it is important to accentuate the positive but not minimize the areas of need. Keep the focus on the goals and the plan that is in place to ensure the student can achieve them. The staff member acting as an advocate for the family may need to pre-meet with them to go over anything that may contain difficult to understand or potentially upsetting information.Again, avoid relying on educational jargon only in this space, as non-educators may not understand fully and may be afraid to ask.

A well-written IEP that is read and understood by all members of a learning team is imperative to student success.

The strengths and needs portion of the IEP will have come from the eligibility conference and doesn’t change until the re-evaluation. The needs are used to drive the goals (which, in turn, drive services), and the strengths are used to determine the areas to highlight when teaching, writing accommodations, and motivating the student.

“目前的学术成就和功能绩效水平”(以前称为“目前的绩效水平”) indicate where the student is currently performing in each developmental area. This portion of the IEP serves as a narrative, but it also contains qualitative or quantitative information about the student’s achievement and performance. The focus here is on where the student is currently compared to how far the student may need to go and what, if anything, needs to happen to bridge the gap.





  • 简洁。瞄准一到两个句子。
  • 聪明的。“SMART”代表特定的,可衡量的,可实现的,相关和及时的。
  • 雄心勃勃。为每个学生保持杠铃高。IEP的目的是帮助学生缩小差距,因此应该写出目标,以使他们在学年中比普通学生更能取得更多的成就。这就是我们缩小差距的方式。


Step 4: Understand “accommodations” and “modifications,” and decide how to use them

Some people say the “Present levels of academic achievement and functional performance” is their favorite section of the IEP. I think mine is the accommodations section.



Choosing accommodations or modifications for a student should be purposeful and thought driven. As a student ages and becomes more involved in their education, they should be an active participant in this portion of the process as well. Keep the strengths and needs along with the goals handy as this portion of the IEP is completed.



Keeping the obstacles of the last few years top of mind when working on IEPs this spring can help students—and their teams—succeed next year. An IEP is a legal document written to ensure success, as well as an equitable learning experience. It needs to be reflective of the student’s strengths and need areas, with goals that set high expectations and allow for appropriate accommodations and modifications.





Blog post


在Covid-19期间,有很多决策者可以为学校提供支持。我们与专家Evan Stone和Latanya Pattillo讨论了SY21-22期间的重点。



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