
学生们在MAP测试上有良好的成长, 却达不到状态测试的熟练性呢?

raybet 好用吗NWEA伙伴学区偶而使用MAP评估产生这个问题,并强调需要明确国家熟练度标准与NWEA增长和状态规范之间的区别。

与内容标准不同,内容标准指向学生对特定主题或内容领域应该知道的东西,熟练度标准指向最小状态测试分数即充分主体化。 即使是内容标准不变,州也可以随时间向上或向下调整能力标准(即学生必须达到的状态测试分数 ) 。 增分向上或向下调整率标准。 增分偏向较低状态熟练度,而减分偏向提高率

NWEA's status and growth norms, on the other hand, are established independently of specific state proficiency standards.  Instead, these norms show the distributions of performance and growth that are representative of students across the nation as a whole.  These norms can tell us, for example, that a sixth grader with a fall math score of 227 is performing at about the 68th percentile, relative to other sixth graders across the nation at that point in the school year.  Those norms also tell us that typical growth between fall and spring for such a student is, on average, about 6 points (with a standard deviation of 6.1).

六年级数学分数为227平均增长约6分,她/他能实现春季能力目标吗?是的,大概233表示六年级学生六十八百分位能力状态).  But students with lower initial achievement would need to make far more than typical growth in order to meet proficiency in the spring.  For example, a sixth grader with a fall MAP math score of 201 is performing at about the 11th percentile, according to NWEA norms, and such a student will show average growth of about 6 points between fall and spring (with a standard deviation of 6.1).  But a RIT score of 207 (about the 11th percentile for sixth graders in spring) is lower than most sixth grade proficiency standards for nearly all states.  For this student, meeting typical growth will not be enough.

规范可能不足以为达标提供合理保证,但它们为理解达标可能合理性提供重要背景 。 如果从前例下降数学评分201的六年级者住在俄勒冈州,春季估计MAP评分219俄勒冈/MAP链路研究)表示从秋春间至少需要18点增长。 既然我们已经知道典型增长为6点,那么从秋春间18点算出98百分位增长,只有2%的孩子可以实现这个起始分数。 换句话说,只有很少学生能实现这样一个增长目标而无需异常帮助。

Assigning a student growth percentile to any particular growth goal is a useful strategy for identifying students who require additional resources in order to meet the goal.  The student whose growth goal requires 98th percentile growth is very unlikely to meet that target without considerable assistance, whereas a student whose growth goal is associated with 10th percentile growth would be 90% likely to meet that target under normative conditions.  Under such circumstances, a student whose growth goal was associated with a percentile less than 50 is likely to meet their growth goals, whereas growth percentiles greater than 50 require greater than average growth.因此,增长百分数在确定如何最优分配有限追加资源时可能有用作为一个考虑因素











